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A2058 Memory Expansion Card

There aren't many information about this card. It was sold with 2/4/8 MB of 16 bit RAM filling up all the memory address space of Zorro II bus. The card is a full ZII format. The timestamp of the manual says 1988: this is probably the year of production of the card.

The amount of memory is configured through 2 jumpers (J1 and J2) that you can find almost over the Zorro II connector.

J1 J2 Memory Size
Closed Closed 2 MegaBytes
Closed Open 4 MegaBytes
Open Open 8 MegaBytes
Open Closed Auto-Config Disabled*

*When the A2058's auto-config hardware is disabled, the board can be automatically configured indipendently of the Amiga OS. This is a board diagnostic mode only.

Here you will find a link to the original A2058 disk provided with the card. It only contained a memory test program.

More information will be added later.

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